Expecting your first baby? I’m SO excited for you! And chances are, so are a whole lot of other people, who want to express their excitement by buying something cute and useful for your little one.
It’s easily to get totally lost in all the options available for baby care. How do you know which ones you’ll use and which ones will seem like a great purchase up-front…only to end up in the donation pile a few months down the road?
I’m a simple gal and I don’t go in for too many fancy-schmancy gizmos. Most of the time, the basics are all you need. That said though, there are just a few must-have items for your baby registry that you may not have thought of (or may be unsure about) that I swear by!
1. LOTS of Zip-Up PJs
Traditional PJs come with snaps or buttons. Nothing wrong with this per se, but let me tell you, with the number of diaper changes you’re going to be doing, zip-up PJs are an absolute essential!
Zippered sleepers make late-night diaper changes so much easier. Nobody wants to be fumbling around in the dark, half-asleep, trying to align tiny snaps so you can get yourself and your baby back to bed.
My favorite zip-up pajamas are those made with soft, breathable fabrics like cotton or bamboo. And I really like the ones with a double-zipper that opens from both the top and the bottom for extra convenience.
2. A Classic Baby Bouncer
I highly recommend an old-school baby bouncer. These provide a safe, comfy place to set your baby down throughout the day. No need to go for a fancy model with extra gadgets and vibrations: a basic bouncer is designed keep your baby relaxed with nothing more than the gentle bounces from baby’s own movements.
Another reason I prefer the simple, old-school baby bouncer is that it’s lightweight and portable so you can easily move it from room to room. Unlike bulky swings, bouncers don’t take up much space and are easy to store when not in use. Although, if you’re anything like me, your bouncer will be in use A LOT!
3. LullaVibe Vibrating Pad
The LullaVibe is a game-changer for soothing a fussy baby. This portable vibrating pad can be placed under a crib mattress, bassinet, or even in a stroller to provide gentle vibrations that help calm little ones. Unlike traditional vibrating baby seats, the LullaVibe is compact and battery-operated, so it’s perfect to take on the go.
This is a great option for babies who are comforted by movement but don’t always need to be rocked or held. I actually use it in all of my newborn sessions!
4. Zipadee-Zip Sleep Sack
Once your baby starts transitioning out of the swaddle phase, the Zipadee-Zip is a lifesaver. This wearable blanket provides a cozy, enclosed feeling similar to a swaddle but allows for more movement, making it a great choice for babies who are starting to roll. It also helps your baby stay asleep by reducing the startle reflex while still being safe for independent movement.
Tons of my clients swear by this sleep sack as a key tool for improving their baby’s sleep. And as a new parent, there is nothing more important than a good night’s rest!
I hope these must-have items for your baby registry give you a good starting point as you design your little one’s wish list!
And don’t forget to add a newborn photography session! I offer gift certificates in any amount which makes it super easy for family and friends to help with the cost of a session, since I’m a firm believer that there’s no better gift for a new parent than the gift of memory!