4 Must-Have Items for Your Baby Registry

Expecting your first baby? I’m SO excited for you! And chances are, so are a whole lot of other people, who want to express their excitement by buying something cute and useful for your little one.

Parents and toddler sister smile as they hold their new baby girl in a New Jersey photography studio

It’s easily to get totally lost in all the options available for baby care. How do you know which ones you’ll use and which ones will seem like a great purchase up-front…only to end up in the donation pile a few months down the road?

I’m a simple gal and I don’t go in for too many fancy-schmancy gizmos. Most of the time, the basics are all you need. That said though, there are just a few must-have items for your baby registry that you may not have thought of (or may be unsure about) that I swear by!

1. LOTS of Zip-Up PJs

Traditional PJs come with snaps or buttons. Nothing wrong with this per se, but let me tell you, with the number of diaper changes you’re going to be doing, zip-up PJs are an absolute essential!

Zippered sleepers make late-night diaper changes so much easier. Nobody wants to be fumbling around in the dark, half-asleep, trying to align tiny snaps so you can get yourself and your baby back to bed.

Closeup of sleeping infant girl in pink

My favorite zip-up pajamas are those made with soft, breathable fabrics like cotton or bamboo. And I really like the ones with a double-zipper that opens from both the top and the bottom for extra convenience.

2. A Classic Baby Bouncer

I highly recommend an old-school baby bouncer. These provide a safe, comfy place to set your baby down throughout the day. No need to go for a fancy model with extra gadgets and vibrations: a basic bouncer is designed keep your baby relaxed with nothing more than the gentle bounces from baby’s own movements.

Another reason I prefer the simple, old-school baby bouncer is that it’s lightweight and portable so you can easily move it from room to room. Unlike bulky swings, bouncers don’t take up much space and are easy to store when not in use. Although, if you’re anything like me, your bouncer will be in use A LOT!

3. LullaVibe Vibrating Pad

The LullaVibe is a game-changer for soothing a fussy baby. This portable vibrating pad can be placed under a crib mattress, bassinet, or even in a stroller to provide gentle vibrations that help calm little ones. Unlike traditional vibrating baby seats, the LullaVibe is compact and battery-operated, so it’s perfect to take on the go.

This is a great option for babies who are comforted by movement but don’t always need to be rocked or held.  I actually use it in all of my newborn sessions!

Baby boy in blue swaddle smiles contentedly in his sleep during a newborn photoshoot in New Jersey

4. Zipadee-Zip Sleep Sack

Once your baby starts transitioning out of the swaddle phase, the Zipadee-Zip is a lifesaver. This wearable blanket provides a cozy, enclosed feeling similar to a swaddle but allows for more movement, making it a great choice for babies who are starting to roll. It also helps your baby stay asleep by reducing the startle reflex while still being safe for independent movement.

Tons of my clients swear by this sleep sack as a key tool for improving their baby’s sleep. And as a new parent, there is nothing more important than a good night’s rest!

I hope these must-have items for your baby registry give you a good starting point as you design your little one’s wish list!

New parents smile down at their baby boy as they cradle him in their arms during a studio photoshoot in North Jersey

And don’t forget to add a newborn photography session! I offer gift certificates in any amount which makes it super easy for family and friends to help with the cost of a session, since I’m a firm believer that there’s no better gift for a new parent than the gift of memory!

Photo Ideas for Baby's First Christmas

As a New Jersey/New York photographer I love helping families get ready for the holidays with my own special brand of Christmas magic. But if it’s baby’s first Christmas, there are probably lots of pictures you’re going to want to capture at home too! Here are a few fun and festive photo ideas for baby’s first Christmas to give you some inspiration as you celebrate this extra special season together!

Just a little note: Many of the cute Christmas poses you see online are composite images or photos created by professionals. Don’t try to recreate these kinds of photos at home! They require safety training and special software to edit out behind-the-scenes details (like an assistant’s hands securely holding baby). Be sure that baby is safe and secure at all times as you capture their first Christmas. If you’re not sure about a pose, don’t do it. Schedule a session with a professional baby photographer instead, so you can get exactly the pictures you want while knowing your little one is in safe hands.

Newborn in a Stocking

This pose is perfect if you have a December baby who is still just itty-bitty by the time Christmas rolls around. Choose an oversized stocking at the store (be sure it doesn’t have any loose strings inside that baby’s little feet could get tangled in) and use it like a sleeping bag. Just tuck your little one inside for an adorable festive picture!

Baby Wearing a Santa Hat

Santa hats are sold in all the sizes, so no matter what your baby’s age you should be able to find one that’s just right! I think the extra long ones are SO cute! Another option is a cute headband with reindeer horns or something equally fun and festive!

Baby in reindeer hat holding on to a festive plaid scarf

Sweet Bundle Under the Christmas Tree

You’ll definitely want to snap a picture of your little one under the Christmas tree! Babies who are old enough to sit independently can sit underneath all those pretty lights, while those who are younger can be swaddled and tucked in amongst the presents. That little bundle is the best thing under the tree!

Little One Wearing Christmas Pajamas

Does your little one have festive PJs? A holiday onesie or pajamas can make such a cute baby’s first Christmas picture, especially if you can do it against a backdrop of twinkly lights or maybe a decorative Christmas blanket.

Include the Family

Don’t forget to get some pictures of baby’s first Christmas that include the rest of the family. Whether it’s mom or dad holding baby near the fireplace, all the siblings snuggling together by the tree, or using baby’s first Christmas ornaments (you’re sure to get a few as gifts!) as props to surround the sleeping little one, it’s always so special to showcase those family connections in your holiday pictures.

I hope these photo ideas for baby’s first Christmas give you a great place to start! I’m sure you’ll have fantastic ideas of your own too, so be sure to keep your camera handy. You’ll have so many fun and beautiful memories of this very first Christmas with your little one!

Remember, the memories don’t stop once the holidays end! Contact me to book a session for your baby or family in 2025. Can’t wait to see you in the studio next year!

Tips for Traveling with a Newborn

For some of us, traveling for the holidays is almost as much of a tradition as eating turkey on Thanksgiving day. But if this is your first time traveling with a newborn, you might be feeling a little nervous! Whether you’re traveling by car or plane, here are a few tips that can help you feel more prepared as you and your little one get ready to travel this holiday season.

Tips for Car Travel with a Newborn

Plan for lots of stops (about every 2 hours). Baby will need feeding, diaper changes, or maybe just a cuddle to calm down if they don’t love being in the car. Just know that your drive is going to take longer than normal, and that’s okay!

Keep a spot in the backseat clear so that someone can sit with baby if needed. If you don’t have anyone else traveling with you, consider installing a baby mirror in the backseat so you can keep an eye on things without having to turn around.

Plan your route so you know where you’ll be stopping to get gas, do diaper changes, etc. Makes it so much easier if you know this in advance so you don’t have to make decisions on the fly!

Tips for Plane Travel with a Newborn

Check with your pediatrician to see if they feel that flying would be safe for your baby.

Don’t stress about the liquid limit. The TSA allows moms traveling with babies to pack more breastmilk and formula than the usual 3.4 oz limit for liquids. Yay! It is a good idea to pack these in a separate bag though, so airport personnel can screen them quickly and easily.

Pack a pacifier and/or bottle to give baby during takeoff and landing. Swallowing will help them deal with that uncomfortable feeling in their ears as the air pressure changes.

Don’t Forget to Pack This!

Of course you’ll need clothes, blankets, and plenty of diapers and wipes! But here are a few other less obvious essentials that can make traveling with a newborn much easier.

Padded changing station. These fold up nicely to slide into a diaper bag and are easy to wipe down. Not all restrooms have a baby changing table—and sometimes you’ll need to change a diaper on the go. You’ll be so glad you have one of these!

A portable breast pump if you’re breastfeeding. Schedules get all out of whack when you’re traveling, so it’s nice to have the option to pump when you need to—even if it’s on the road.

A travel crib or bassinet. Baby needs a safe and comfy place to sleep once you arrive at your destination! Some of these even fold up small enough to fit into your carry-on if you’re traveling by plane.

Portable sound machine. Unfamiliar noises can make it hard for anyone to sleep, and babies can easily get overstimulated and fussy in a new environment. Soothing sounds can help keep them calm and happy and make for a much better travel experience for everyone! (I always use a sound machine in my studio for newborn sessions—it really does work!)

I hope these tips for traveling with a newborn help make this holiday season a little more manageable. Remember, if travel just feels like too much right now, it’s okay to break with tradition this time and ask family to come to you, or to plan your trip for a few months down the road, once things have settled down a bit. The most important thing is that you and your little one have a wonderful first holiday together!

How to Narrow Down the Pictures from Your Session

All of my photo collections include a set number of digital images. After your session, you’ll receive a link to your gallery, where you can select the pics you love and want to keep. But…it can be intimidating to try to pick favorites from among so many beautiful photos! Here are a few tips that can help you narrow down the pictures from your session.

Set Aside Some Uninterrupted Time

Choosing photos takes a lot of concentration! Rather than trying to do it on the fly, set aside some dedicated time to really focus on your photos. You might also find that it helps to do this alone before coming together with your partner. This way, you’ve both identified your favorites without influence from anyone else and can feel more confident in your decisions.

(This is one reason I don’t have parents come to the studio to choose pictures. This is something you should be able to do at your leisure and without feeling pressured by other people’s input.)

Divide Your Photos Into Categories

Rather than try to choose your favorites from the whole collection all at once, try picking your favorites from a smaller group. For example, which are your favorite pictures of mom and baby? Which are your favorites of baby and their big brother? Which are your favorite shots of the whole family?

Dividing it up into categories can keep you from getting overwhelmed and also ensure that you get a nice variety. Plus, you can feel more certain you didn’t miss anything!

Couple hold their toddler daughter in a New Jersey park near sunset during their family maternity photoshoot

Decide How You Want to Use Your Photos

Knowing how you want to use and share your photos can be a big help in deciding which ones to keep. If you want to print and frame some images, think about where you want to hang them in your home. If you’ll be giving photos as gifts, which ones would be most meaningful to grandparents or other family members?

It’s also a great idea to put some thought into this before your session. If you already know how you want to display your pictures, we’ll be sure to get exactly the shots you want!

New Jersey Photo Sessions

I hope these three tips for narrowing down the photos from your session help to simplify the process and give you confidence in the decision-making process. And remember, if the decision is just too hard, you can always purchase extra images separately!

If you have other questions or are ready to book your session, please be in touch. I’m so excited to hear from you!

My Top 7 Secrets to Get Babies and Kiddos to Smile for the Camera

As a parent, there are things about your kids that you just want to hang on to forever. The chubby cheeks, the tousled hair, and of course—the toothy grins!

If you’ve tried to take photos at home, you probably also know that those genuine smiles can be pretty elusive once the camera comes out. Don’t worry—with years of experience photographing littles and families, I’ve learned a few things, and I’m here for you! Whether you’re taking snapshots at home or coming to my New Jersey photo studio, here are my top 7 secrets to get babies and kiddos to smile (for real) at the camera.

1. Relax and Enjoy

Nobody feels like smiling when they’re tense! Young kids usually pick up their parents’ cues to guide them on how to react to a new situation. So if you’re smiling, laughing, and having fun, they’re much more likely to do the same. I make this really easy at my studio by having a laidback vibe and just chatting for a few minutes before the session so we can relax and get to know each other. It’s just like hanging out with friends!

2. Bring Out the Toys

I have a few toys at my studio, but you’re also welcome to bring some from home. Sometimes just playing for a few minutes can help little ones to settle and feel comfortable enough to really start enjoying themselves.

3. Music and Dancing

Most kids love music—and so do I! I’m happy to play your kiddo’s favorite songs (I remember one child who loved Baby Shark Dance—we played that so many times), sing with them, or break out some dance moves. Whatever it takes to make our photoshoot feel like a party!

4. Play Games

Babies and young kiddos also love games. Let me know if your child has any favorites, like Peek-a-Boo, Patty Cake, or Simon Says. We can absolutely incorporate those into our photo session to help everyone relax and giggle.

Little boy holding his baby sister and smiling

5. Be Silly

I have kind of a goofy personality anyway, so I have no problem being silly! If funny faces, crazy noises, or ridiculous jokes tickle your child’s sense of humor, we’re going to have a lot of fun!

6. Be Observant

You never know what will make kids smile. I like to always be ready with my camera so I can capture unexpected grins, but I also like to pay attention throughout the shoot and notice if they seem amused by something. Sometimes an ordinary word or phrase will strike toddlers as very funny, and when that happens I jump on it and use it to bring out those natural smiles.

Two little boys lying on a white rug next to their baby sister and grinning happily

7. Use Reverse Psychology

Every parent knows this one, right? If your kiddo is at the age when they want to assert their independence and ‘no’ is their favorite word, then a little bit of reverse psychology might just do the trick. Most kids can’t keep a straight face for long—especially if you’re telling them very seriously, “Now, whatever you do, don’t smile.”

Ready for Genuine Smiles in Your Photos?

I would love to show you just how fun, relaxed, and natural a photography session can be! Get in touch and let’s schedule a time to hang out at my studio. I’ll capture those precious moments of babyhood and childhood so you can treasure those sweet smiles for always. I can’t wait!


The Number One Thing I Wish Parents Knew When Planning a Cake Smash

Okay, so usually I only do happy stuff on the blog, but I just have to share something that’s been happening a ton lately that kinda makes me want to cry.

What is this tragic thing that’s been going on?

Parents calling to book a cake smash session for their little one—way too late.

This seriously makes me so sad! I LOVE doing cake smashes and I want so much for parents to have fun and memorable pictures of this special milestone. But when they call two weeks before their baby turns one? There’s just not enough time to create the beautiful custom cake smashes that I specialize in—and that they and their little one deserve!

So… the number one thing I wish parents knew when planning a cake smash?

Book early!

Baby girl with part hat eating cake against a rainbow backdrop in New Jersey studio

When to Schedule Your Baby’s Cake Smash

I recommend booking your little one’s cake smash 4-5 months before their first birthday. 3 months in advance is probably the very latest I might be able to accommodate. Seems crazy, right? There is a reason!

Why So Early?

I believe that the personal touch is what makes the party special! All of my cake smashes are fully customized with whatever theme you choose. And when I say customized, I don’t mean that I cobble together some props I already have to make it kinda-sorta fit your theme.

When I say customized, I mean it! I not only order the perfect outfit, but I also create each and every one of my custom cake smash sets by hand. Every one of them is hand-crafted with love—and that takes time. Sometimes weeks. You can’t rush perfection!

Smiling baby boy with frosting all over his face enjoying a Lion King themed cake smash in New Jersey

So…Is a Last-Minute Cake Smash Even a Possibility?

Not if you want it customized. If there’s room on my schedule, the best I can offer for a last-minute booking is a very simple backdrop—no cutouts—and my “ONE” prop.

And we can do so much better than that!

So do yourself and your kiddo a favor and schedule that cake smash session nice and early! In fact, how about now? Get in touch and let’s start planning! I can’t wait to start crafting your cake smash!

African American baby boy holding a wooden spoon beside his birthday cake during a boxing-themed first birthday cake smash

About Jennifer Parrello Photography

Jennifer Parrello Photography is a New Jersey based photographer serving the Tri-State area (NJ/NY/CT.) She specializes in capturing all the best moments of baby’s first year, from newborn to first birthday cake smash, and also offers maternity and family photography so that you can have beautiful portraiture of every stage of life.

Simple Tips to Help Baby Sleep Through Their Newborn Photoshoot

Figuring out baby’s sleep schedule is one of the many learning curves you go through as a new parent. If your littles are anything like mine were, then they probably like to wake up right when you most want them to stay asleep! Like when you’re about to grab a bite to eat, take a much-needed nap yourself, or…right as you pull up to the studio for your newborn session.

Wakeful baby boy gazes up at the camera in New Jersey photo studio

If you’re worried that your newborn will be one of those that fuss all through their session and make it impossible to get those dream baby pictures, don’t worry! I’ve got you covered with these simple tips to help baby sleep through their newborn photoshoot.

Before You Get to the Studio

Babies usually don’t have much of an awake window before they’re ready for another nap, so try to keep them awake for a while before you leave the house to drive to the studio. If playtime just isn’t doing it, a bath usually works!

Babies also sleep best on a full tummy. Shortly before you get in the car, nurse them or give them a bottle so they have a nice full belly and are feeling content.

Closeup profile of sleeping newborn girl's face

Good news: Most newborns are lulled straight to sleep with a car ride, so if they’ve been awake for a while and are full, they’re likely to drift off on the way to my photography studio. But what about when you stop?

To make it more likely that baby will stay asleep, I recommend dressing them in button-up or zip-up pajamas before you come. Makes it so much easier to change them at the studio without disturbing them! Also, don’t worry about getting baby out of the car seat when you arrive. I will take care of all that unbuckling. I’ve got a soft touch and a lot of practice!

Helping Baby Sleep Through Their Studio Photoshoot

Since a comfortable temperature is also key to helping baby to the land of nod, I keep my studio quite cozy so that little ones don’t get chilled. (Because of this, I recommend that parents dress in layers so you don’t get overheated!)

If baby is a little fussy, I’ll often try swaddle poses first. Newborns absolutely love to be bundled up snug, and often once they’re swaddled in a wrap they will float off to dreamland again almost instantly.

Swaddled newborn snuggled up against his big brother during a newborn photoshoot

I also make sure to give us plenty of time during a newborn photoshoot, so that if baby needs to be soothed or fed, we can take the time to do that without anyone feeling rushed. When you’re at my studio, it’s your time to relax!

Finally, remember that part of my skill as a newborn photographer lies not only in helping your baby be safe and comfortable, but also in capturing moments that only last a second. On those rare occasions when baby seems to fuss through most of their session or be awake most of the time, parents are always amazed by the number of beautiful, peaceful images I manage to capture anyway. While these simple tips to help baby sleep through their newborn photoshoot are handy and can make for a smoother process, trust me, your newborn session will be a success whether your baby sleeps or not!

Collage of baby girl both awake and asleep during her NJ newborn photoshoot

Contact Your New Jersey Newborn Photographer

Can’t wait to see you and your (hopefully sleepy) sweet bundle in my New Jersey studio soon! Contact me to book your session, request more information, or ask any questions you may have. I’m happy to help!

Top 3 FAQs for Your New Jersey/New York Photographer

There are always lots of questions with any new experience, and booking a photoshoot is no different! I try to anticipate questions and give my clients plenty of information beforehand. When you inquire I’ll send you lots of great info to help you out! But in the meantime, I thought I’d address the questions I get asked most frequently as a New Jersey based photographer.

What to Ask Your Photographer

When is the best time to book a cake smash?

The earlier the better! I recommend booking your cake smash well in advance—even as early as 5 months before your little one’s first birthday! We will usually do your cake smash a little before the one year mark (around 11 months) so you have time to use your images for invitations, gifts, etc. And I build all of my custom sets from scratch, which takes several weeks! You can learn more about my cake smash sessions here.

Baby girl wearing a party hat and eating cake during her birthday photoshoot in New Jersey

When is the best time to book a newborn session?

I advise booking 3-4 months before your due date. However, if it’s past that date already (or even if baby has already arrived) you can always reach out on the chance that I might have an opening available. If you’re expecting, you’ll definitely want to check out my newborn page for helpful info and answers to frequently asked questions!

Young boy holding his newborn baby sibling and kissing the top of their head

Why are family sessions always in the evening?

I like to hold my family sessions about an hour to an hour and a half before sunset. There are lots of reasons behind this, but the big one is lighting. Photographers call that pretty, sun-soaked time before sunset ‘the golden hour.’ The light at this time is really warm, not too harsh, and very flattering for everyone, making it the perfect time to do outdoor portraits. I’ve got more about family sessions on this page.

Questions for Your New Jersey/New York Photographer

Any other burning questions? Send them my way! I am always up for a chat and would love to help you learn more about any session you’re interested in. Just reach out and let’s talk!


Advice for Buying a Smash Cake for Your Little One’s First Birthday Photoshoot

A custom cake smash is my absolute favorite way to celebrate baby’s first birthday!

Cake smashes in my New Jersey studio are up to 1 hour long and include:

  • Custom designed set

  • Outfit from my client closet

  • End of session splash

Hmmm…What’s missing from that list?

The cake!

I do not supply any food due to allergy concerns, so the one and only thing you’ll need to bring for your little one’s cake smash is the cake. Don’t worry though, it’s very easy to find the perfect smash cake—and it’s even easier with these tips!

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Cake

Sizing it Up

I recommend a cake that is 5-6 inches in size. Smaller than this and it will look more like a cupcake, larger and it will dwarf your little one! A 2-3 layer cake of about 6 inches is just right.

Vanilla Takes the Cake!

Vanilla is the way to go, as a white cake is less messy and won’t stain baby’s face, hands, or clothes. Same goes for frosting. Go with white and it will be a much neater and prettier experience!

Best Place to Buy a Smash Cake

You don’t have to go searching for specialty bakeries unless that’s your thing. Honestly, I advise clients to go to their local food store bakery. They make amazing cakes!

Custom Cake Smash

All of my cake smashes are fully customized with your chosen theme, color scheme, etc. We’ll chat about all of that beforehand so you can let the bakery know how you’d like your cake to be decorated. Remember though, the cake is just a prop. No need to stress out too much about how it’s decorated unless it’s super important to you. The big thing is that you and your kiddo have fun!

Take it for a Test Run

One other thing I recommend: Don’t let the first birthday photoshoot be the first time your child tries sugar! A few days before you show up at the studio, set them down on the floor with something fun, sweet, and messy to eat. (A tub of Cool Whip, yogurt, pudding, or a cupcake are all great options.) This test drive will help them be much more comfortable exploring their cake in front of a camera at the studio!

One-year-old girl enjoying her custom birthday cake smash session in New Jersey portrait studio

Book Your Custom Cake Smash in My New Jersey Studio

You can learn more about my custom cake smashes here, or reach out to book your session whenever you’re ready! You may also enjoy this post about how to get ready for baby’s first cake smash. I do recommend booking well in advance (about 4-5 months) as I build all of my custom sets from scratch. Quality takes time!

If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out! Once you schedule your session I’ll send you a guide with all the details you need to have a successful smash. So excited to celebrate with you!

Words of Wisdom for New Parents from a Mom and Newborn Photographer in Passaic County

Someone recently asked me if I had any words of wisdom for them as they get ready to welcome a new baby. I guess they knew that, being a parent myself, as well as a newborn photographer serving families in New Jersey and New York, I’ve seen parenthood from a lot of different angles!

In answering them, I realized that there are probably lots of expecting parents out there wondering the same things, so I thought I’d jot down my thoughts on the blog. So here you go, a few words of wisdom for new parents from a mom and professional baby photographer in Passaic County:

Embrace the Journey

Parenthood is a remarkable adventure. And like any adventure, it’s filled with ups and downs. I know it can be hard, especially when you’re in the thick of it, but cherish each moment, even the challenging ones. They are irreplaceable and contribute so much to the growth and relationship of both you and your baby.

Prioritize Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is crucial. And it isn’t selfish in the least! Find time for rest, nourishment, and relaxation. If you feel well cared for, you’ll be better equipped to care for your child too—and both of you will be happier for it.

Trust Your Instincts

You know more than you think you do. You’ll probably receive a lot of childrearing advice from well-meaning people. Accept it graciously, but ultimately, trust your own intuition as a parent. You know your baby better than anyone, and your instincts will guide you as you make decisions for their well-being.

Parents holding newborn baby in photography studio near Orange County New York

Seek Support

I don’t know where the old saying came from, “It take a village to raise a child.” But it’s true! Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or support groups for help or guidance. Parenting is incredibly rewarding, but it's also a tough gig. Building a support network of fellow parents can provide reassurance and give you a sense of community.

Nurture Your Relationship with Your Partner

If you have a partner (and I hope you do, it makes life so much easier!) remember to prioritize your relationship with them. Set aside quality time together, communicate openly, and support each other. You’ll both need time to adjust to the new dynamic of being parents, so be there for one another.

Embrace the Mess

Last but not least, realize that things are going to get messy. Don’t sweat it, embrace it! Clutter and stains are normal. The spit-up, dirty diapers, and occasional chaos is all part of the experience of having a little one (and makes for great stories later on). And if things get emotionally messy sometimes, that’s normal too. You’ll make a few parenting mistakes. Everyone does. Just do your best to clean up the mess and keep moving forward, knowing that your love for your little one is the most important thing.

Congratulations on this incredible life change! I hope these few words of wisdom help as you prepare for this exciting next step in your adventure. And if you need anything along the way, know that I’m here for you. Just get in touch!

What to Wear for Your Photoshoot with Jennifer Parrello Photography

Need some tips on what to wear for your photoshoot? This is a something I’m asked about all the time in my work as a New Jersey photographer. I’ve seen lots of great (and a few not-so-great) outfit choices over the years, so I’ve got you covered with some ideas if you need help! Here are my recommendations for what to wear for different types of photoshoots with Jennifer Parrello Photography.


I recommend choosing something comfy that makes you feel gorgeous. Neutrals and blacks are a great choice for the studio, and bold, bright colors that will stand out are perfect for outdoors. You always want to coordinate and not match if you are included your spouse or little one in the session as well.


I’ve got a ton of outfits for baby, so unless you have something specific from home that you want to dress little one in, don’t worry about choosing an outfit for them. If you’re doing family pictures with baby, black is my go-to recommendation for the rest of the family to wear. It’s classic, timeless, and goes with everything!


Family sessions usually take place outdoors, so you’ll want to consider the location. Wear something that will pop and stand out. You don’t want your clothing colors to blend into the background. Layers are perfect, as they allow for a mix of neutrals with a few pops of color and make it easy to mix and match different textures and patterns. I love when families coordinate their outfits with two or three key colors! No need to match—just choose complementary colors and patterns. And don’t be afraid to wear something you might not normally wear for an outdoor session. This is your chance to stand out and shine!

Shopping for What to Wear

If you don’t have anything suitable at home (or just need an excuse for a new outfit, we’ve all been there!) some of my favorite places to shop for photoshoot outfits are Zara, Gap, Abercrombie, Joyfolie, or Baltic Born.

A Few More Outfit Tips

I’ve got a few more tips on what to wear for your photoshoot elsewhere on the blog, so feel free to check them out! Or get in touch if you want to run some outfit ideas by me. I’m happy to offer my opinion and help you decide! Whatever you choose to wear, just remember not to stress too much about it. The important things are the memories and the experience!

How Do You Prep for a Newborn Photo Session?

If you’re getting ready for baby pictures you’re probably super excited! And you may have a few questions too. Fortunately, I’ve been a New Jersey newborn photographer for long enough that I have the session flow down pat and there’s really not a lot you need to do.

After you book your session I’ll send you my newborn photo session prep guide. This will go over all the little details of what’s helpful to bring and what you can do on the day of your session to ensure that you and your little one have the best possible experience. In the meantime, this blog post should give you a peek into what to expect and how to prep for a newborn photo session.

What to Bring to Your Newborn Session

If you’re a new parent, you’ll learn quickly that a few items are essential to bring anytime you’re going out with baby. Items that are helpful for a newborn photo session are really just some of the basics you’ll probably already have in your well-stocked diaper bag. They include:

·         Extra diapers and wipes

·         An extra couple of receiving blankets

·         Bottles of pumped breast milk or formula

·         A pacifier

How to Keep Baby Happy for Their Newborn Pictures

The other important thing is making sure baby is ready for camera time! Sleepy babies are the easiest to photograph, so that’s the goal. A good way to achieve this is to keep baby awake for about 45 minutes to an hour before their session. Playtime usually works great, but you can also do a bath if playtime just isn’t cutting it.

I also recommend feeding your little one shortly before the session so that we can get started right away when you arrive. A full belly will help them feel drowsy and they should hopefully fall asleep on the way to the studio.

Ready for Your Session?

And that’s pretty much it! Once you arrive at my New Jersey photography studio, I’ll take it from there. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and maybe snuggle with your little one if we’re doing family photos as part of your session.

If you have any other questions about how to prep for your newborn session, please be in touch! (And if you’re expecting, don’t wait to book! My schedule fills up fast and I recommend snagging a spot on the calendar at least 3-4 months before your due date.) Can’t wait to hear from you!

Newborn Photography: The Best Baby Shower Gift

Trying to find the right gift for an expecting mother can be tough. Baby clothes? Fun to shop for, but outgrown in the blink of an eye. Diapers? Practical, but a little boring. Nursery furniture? Um…what was their color scheme, again? Don’t worry, there’s no need to keep searching. I’ve got the perfect present for every mom right here. Gifting a newborn photoshoot is easy for the giver—and thrilling for the recipient! Learn more about why newborn photography makes the best baby shower gift!

Newborn photography in New Jersey studio with baby boy and parents


While stuffed animals are cute and a diaper bag is super practical, nothing is as meaningful as memories. To have beautiful photos of their new little one—memories they can hold onto as their little one grows—is truly the best gift any new parent can receive!


Newborn clothes are adorable…but baby will outgrow them in a matter of weeks. Newborn photos, on the other hand, are a gift will stand the test of time! Parents won’t believe how fast that little bundle grows up. But with professional newborn photography, they will have all the details of those precious first days to treasure forever.

newborn photography: the best baby shower gift


One of the things that makes newborn photography the best baby shower gift is that it’s almost always a surprise. (I love surprises!) Professional newborn photos are something every new parent would love, but that few would think of adding to their registry. If you love gifting the unique and unexpected, then newborn photography is the best baby shower gift!

How to Gift a Newborn Photoshoot

If you’d like to gift a newborn photography session, please get in touch! I offer gift certificates that can be purchased in any amount and put towards the cost of a session, so if multiple people want to get in on the fun, we can absolutely do that! Just give me a call or contact me here and we’ll go over all the details.

How to Choose the Right Photographer

With photography, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Your family is unique, and your artwork should be too! But with so many options out there, it can be hard to know how to choose the right photographer for you. Here are the questions I recommend you ask as you search for the perfect photographer.

Do They Offer the Type of Session You’re Interested In?

Some photographers specialize in just a few types of portrait photography. Make sure you know what kind of pictures you want and that your potential photographer offers those sessions. Just because they do great family portraits doesn’t mean they can pull off an amazing cake smash!

little boy in New Jersey studio during birthday cake smash

Do They Have Training and/or Experience?

For newborn photography, training is crucial. (I’ve got more specific information on choosing a newborn photographer here.) Your photographer should be fully qualified in infant safety and posing, so be sure to check their credentials or ask if they’ve taken classes. And for any type of photography, the more experience your photographer has, the more likely it is that your session will go smoothly and your pictures will be exactly what you hoped for.

What Type of Photoshoot Experience Do They Offer?

Are you interested in a studio session? Want the photographer to travel to your home? Prefer outdoor photos? Check the kinds of experience a potential photographer offers to see if it matches what you’re looking for. You can also read reviews to see what other people are saying about their experience with that photographer.

Does Their Style Appeal to You?

Take a look at their gallery. Do they gravitate towards bright colors or neutrals? Do they use lighting equipment or rely on natural light? Are their portraits more posed and formal or do they go for lifestyle/candid shots? While some variety is good and indicates that they are willing to customize each session to fit client needs, there should also be elements of their style that are consistent, and that you can count on for your own photos.

Will Your Personalities Work Well Together?

You want your photo session to be a great memory in and of itself, so it’s worth learning a bit about your photographer to figure out if they’re the right photographer for you. Read their About page, follow them on Facebook or Instagram, or give them a call to get a better feel for their personality.

Siblings standing together under trees near rustic barn in New Jersey

I hope these tips on how to choose the right photographer are helpful as you search for that perfect someone to capture your family’s memories. If you are considering Jennifer Parrello Photography for your portrait needs, I’m absolutely thrilled, and would love to answer any questions you may have! Please get in touch and let’s find out if we’re a great fit for each other!

Choosing Props for Your Newborn Session

If you’re expecting a new little one, I’m guessing you’ve spent a fair bit of time scrolling through photo inspiration on social media. Isn’t it fun to see all those adorable babies with those cute props and setups? But, if you’re choosing props for your own newborn session, it might start to feel a little overwhelming too. How can you possibly decide?

Planning Your Newborn Session

Planning a newborn session is so much fun, and I want to make sure that the setups I create are in line with your vision. I also want to keep things as simple as possible for you. So rather than have you show up for your session and be faced with choosing from my (kind of huge!) collection of newborn props, I’ll send you a questionnaire prior to your session which will help me plan the perfect session for your baby.

Gathering Inspiration

Before filling out the questionnaire, I recommend that you spend some time scrolling through my Facebook and Instagram pages to see what you like. You’re welcome to send me inspiration photos too! One of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make is the color scheme you’re going for. I have swaddles, hats, and headbands in every color you can imagine, so the sky is the limit! As you’re planning your colors, just make sure that they fit well with wherever they’ll be displayed (nursery, living room, etc.)

Choosing Props

If you have any specific prop requests, let me know! Otherwise, I’m happy to choose the props for you based on your color scheme and what I think will work well for you. I do three props poses during a newborn session, so parents often find it’s easier to just give me a general idea (like, “We love bucket poses!”) and let me make a selection from there. That way you don’t have to stress about decision-making, but you can feel confident that you’ll end up with images you love!

I can’t wait to help you create the perfect session for your new little one! From choosing props for your newborn session to making sure baby is comfy cozy during the photoshoot itself, I’m here to make this a relaxing and beautiful experience for you! Contact me today to book your spot for next year!

collage of baby pics showing options for choosing props for your newborn session