Top 3 FAQs for Your New Jersey/New York Photographer

There are always lots of questions with any new experience, and booking a photoshoot is no different! I try to anticipate questions and give my clients plenty of information beforehand. When you inquire I’ll send you lots of great info to help you out! But in the meantime, I thought I’d address the questions I get asked most frequently as a New Jersey based photographer.

What to Ask Your Photographer

When is the best time to book a cake smash?

The earlier the better! I recommend booking your cake smash well in advance—even as early as 5 months before your little one’s first birthday! We will usually do your cake smash a little before the one year mark (around 11 months) so you have time to use your images for invitations, gifts, etc. And I build all of my custom sets from scratch, which takes several weeks! You can learn more about my cake smash sessions here.

Baby girl wearing a party hat and eating cake during her birthday photoshoot in New Jersey

When is the best time to book a newborn session?

I advise booking 3-4 months before your due date. However, if it’s past that date already (or even if baby has already arrived) you can always reach out on the chance that I might have an opening available. If you’re expecting, you’ll definitely want to check out my newborn page for helpful info and answers to frequently asked questions!

Young boy holding his newborn baby sibling and kissing the top of their head

Why are family sessions always in the evening?

I like to hold my family sessions about an hour to an hour and a half before sunset. There are lots of reasons behind this, but the big one is lighting. Photographers call that pretty, sun-soaked time before sunset ‘the golden hour.’ The light at this time is really warm, not too harsh, and very flattering for everyone, making it the perfect time to do outdoor portraits. I’ve got more about family sessions on this page.

Questions for Your New Jersey/New York Photographer

Any other burning questions? Send them my way! I am always up for a chat and would love to help you learn more about any session you’re interested in. Just reach out and let’s talk!


How I Became a New Jersey Newborn Photographer: A Little Peek Into My Story

I don’t know about you, but I love hearing people’s stories. I think that’s part of what attracted me to portrait photography in the first place! Whenever clients come to my NJ photo studio I love to just chat for a bit and learn more about them. It’s always so fun to hear about their families and hobbies, and what they do for a living and the story behind it. So I thought I’d hop on the blog and share a little of my story with you!

Headshot of New Jersey newborn photographer Jennifer Parrello

From Hobby….

I first started doing photography in high school, where I was introduced to this particular brand of magic through a photography class. This was back in the day, before digital photography was widespread, so I used a film camera and learned how to develop film in a dark room. I loved it!

The class ended, but my love of photography carried on. I kept photographing through the years, but never really thought about turning it into a business. It was just a hobby I enjoyed. Like most people, I needed a bit of a wakeup call to realize that my hobby was actually my passion!

To Vocation…

That wakeup call came when my oldest was born. I fell in love instantly and started to pick up my camera more and more because I wanted to capture all those sweet, fun, precious moments with my daughter. It’s amazing how much inspiration an adorable model can provide! And the more baby pictures I took the more I realized, “I love this! This is what I want to do!”

Becoming a NJ Newborn Photographer

It took a while for me to actually turn my dream of starting my own photography business into a reality. I had a good job as a teacher, which I really enjoyed, and it was scary to think of leaving that behind to become a photographer full-time. Once I worked up the courage though, I have never looked back! Becoming a newborn photographer really has been one of the best decisions of my life.

I wake up each day so excited to welcome babies and families to my studio, to spend time with them and capture beautiful memories. As a mom (of three now!) I know firsthand that family always comes first. I love photography, yes, but the real passion behind my work is the love of family. And I feel beyond blessed to bring that passion to my work with moms, dads, and kiddos throughout New Jersey. I can’t think of a greater honor than for my story as a newborn photographer to become a tiny part of your story as a family. Thank you for trusting me with your memories!

Tri-State Newborn and Family Photographer

Jennifer Parrello is a New-Jersey-based portrait photographer offering beautiful portraiture for every stage of life, from maternity and newborn to first birthdays and beyond. Based in West Milford, she is proud to serve families throughout the New Jersey, New York and Connecticut tri-state area. Ready to make some memories? Inquire here to book your session, or learn more about available sessions and pricing.