My Top 7 Secrets to Get Babies and Kiddos to Smile for the Camera

As a parent, there are things about your kids that you just want to hang on to forever. The chubby cheeks, the tousled hair, and of course—the toothy grins!

If you’ve tried to take photos at home, you probably also know that those genuine smiles can be pretty elusive once the camera comes out. Don’t worry—with years of experience photographing littles and families, I’ve learned a few things, and I’m here for you! Whether you’re taking snapshots at home or coming to my New Jersey photo studio, here are my top 7 secrets to get babies and kiddos to smile (for real) at the camera.

1. Relax and Enjoy

Nobody feels like smiling when they’re tense! Young kids usually pick up their parents’ cues to guide them on how to react to a new situation. So if you’re smiling, laughing, and having fun, they’re much more likely to do the same. I make this really easy at my studio by having a laidback vibe and just chatting for a few minutes before the session so we can relax and get to know each other. It’s just like hanging out with friends!

2. Bring Out the Toys

I have a few toys at my studio, but you’re also welcome to bring some from home. Sometimes just playing for a few minutes can help little ones to settle and feel comfortable enough to really start enjoying themselves.

3. Music and Dancing

Most kids love music—and so do I! I’m happy to play your kiddo’s favorite songs (I remember one child who loved Baby Shark Dance—we played that so many times), sing with them, or break out some dance moves. Whatever it takes to make our photoshoot feel like a party!

4. Play Games

Babies and young kiddos also love games. Let me know if your child has any favorites, like Peek-a-Boo, Patty Cake, or Simon Says. We can absolutely incorporate those into our photo session to help everyone relax and giggle.

Little boy holding his baby sister and smiling

5. Be Silly

I have kind of a goofy personality anyway, so I have no problem being silly! If funny faces, crazy noises, or ridiculous jokes tickle your child’s sense of humor, we’re going to have a lot of fun!

6. Be Observant

You never know what will make kids smile. I like to always be ready with my camera so I can capture unexpected grins, but I also like to pay attention throughout the shoot and notice if they seem amused by something. Sometimes an ordinary word or phrase will strike toddlers as very funny, and when that happens I jump on it and use it to bring out those natural smiles.

Two little boys lying on a white rug next to their baby sister and grinning happily

7. Use Reverse Psychology

Every parent knows this one, right? If your kiddo is at the age when they want to assert their independence and ‘no’ is their favorite word, then a little bit of reverse psychology might just do the trick. Most kids can’t keep a straight face for long—especially if you’re telling them very seriously, “Now, whatever you do, don’t smile.”

Ready for Genuine Smiles in Your Photos?

I would love to show you just how fun, relaxed, and natural a photography session can be! Get in touch and let’s schedule a time to hang out at my studio. I’ll capture those precious moments of babyhood and childhood so you can treasure those sweet smiles for always. I can’t wait!


Mini Milestone Photo Session FAQs | New Jersey/New York Baby Photographer

When you think of baby pictures, chances are you think of a newborn session. I absolutely LOVE newborn photos and I think they’re an essential for every parent to have. But there are so many other memories to capture as your little one grows. Lots of these can be documented at home, but it’s fun to have professional images of that in-between newborn and one-year-old stage. The best way to do that? A mini milestone photo session!

What is a Mini Milestone Photoshoot?

Lots of people book newborn and 1-year cake smash photos. But what about all the milestones in between? Mini milestone baby photo sessions are meant to capture that wonderful stage of babyhood when your little one is no longer a newborn, but not quite a toddler either. They’re becoming more smiley and interactive at this stage and it’s so much fun—you deserve to have memories of this time too!

For my milestone sessions, I use an all-neutral set with several props for your little one to sit on/in and interact with. You are also welcome to bring teddy bears or other favorite toys from home to personalize your photos.

smiling baby girl sitting in a basket during her sitter session in New Jersey photo studio

When Are Mini Milestone Sessions Held?

Milestone pictures can be done anytime between 7-10 months to capture that special moment in time. I particularly love photographing around the 9-month mark as I find that is when their funny little personalities really shine!

What Do Milestone Baby Photos Cost?

If you select my Luxury or Elite newborn collection for your little one, these come with a complimentary mini milestone session!

If you weren’t able to book a newborn session with me, we can still schedule a mini milestone photoshoot. These are just a few hundred dollars and a limited number of digital images are included.

What if I Want a Longer Milestone Photoshoot, or More Photos?

My mini milestone sessions are short and sweet. I know babies have a short attention span at this stage, and you are super busy too! It only takes 15 minutes to capture adorable baby pictures during my minis. However, I also offer full-session milestone shoots, if you want a longer time slot or a larger collection of photos.

Ask Your New Jersey/New York Baby Photographer

Any other questions about milestone or baby photography? Just ask! I’m happy to chat with you or help you figure out the perfect session for you and your little one.

Baby’s First Year in Photos: Milestones to Capture as Your Little One Grows

I can’t tell you how excited and honored I am to capture your family’s special moments! While I love seeing your babies in my New Jersey studio for every single one of their milestones, from newborn to sitter to first birthday cake smash, I know it’s not always an option for families to have a professional photoshoot every single month. And yet—I want you to have all those memories!

So I thought I’d provide you with a quick rundown of baby’s first year, including some of the important milestones you’ll want to capture with your own camera at home. Plus, I’ve got recommendations for the best ages and stages to invest in professional portraits of your little one. Read on for what milestones to look for as your baby grows!

Milestones to Capture During Baby’s First Year

Months 1-2: Welcoming Baby

This is the stage where everything is new—for both you and baby! If you can only afford to book a professional photoshoot once during baby’s first year, make it a newborn photography session. This time of life is irreplaceable and it goes by so fast. This is your baby’s introduction to the world and to your family, and as a mom, trust me when I say that you will want beautiful, heirloom-quality images to remember this time of sweet snoozes and snuggles with your brand new bundle.

Newborn in white headband and swaddle, fast asleep in New Jersey photo studio

A professional photographer can help you safely achieve those cute Instagram poses, like froggy pose, womb pose, and chin-on-hands. They can also get adorable closeups with a focus on tiny details like fingers, toes, and lips. Learn more about professional newborn portraits here.

As you continue to photograph your newborn at home before and after your newborn session, I recommend focusing on the interactions between you and your little one. Catching those sweet moments when baby is asleep on dad’s chest, or one of your older kiddos sneaks in for a kiss—there is nothing better!

Months 3-5: Growing Up Fast

You won’t believe how much baby is growing already as they begin to hold up their head and start showing more interest in the world around them. At this stage, they are beginning to develop the motor skills that allow them to interact with toys and enjoy tummy time a bit more.

Smiling baby boy in simple white onesie lying on fur throw during milestone baby portrait session

If you’re snapping photos at home, some fun ideas include:

·         Baby pictures with favorite toys

·         Interactions with mom, dad, or other family and friends

·         First smiles and giggles

·         Reactions to new stimuli

Months 5-8: Sitting and Crawling

Once they start being able to sit on their own and move around independently, a whole new level of adventure begins! This is another great time to get professional baby pictures with a sitter session. As parents, we often don’t realize how much our baby is changing—because it’s happening right before our eyes. You will be stunned when you compare images from your newborn and sitter sessions at how much your little one has changed already!

Cute little girl in floral print dress crawling around studio floor and sitting in basket during her sitter session in New Jersey

Whether you choose to do a sitter session at the studio or try your hand at DIY baby photos, here are some ideas for fun milestones to capture at this stage:

·         Trying new foods

·         Interactions with siblings, friends, or pets

·         Grabbing their own toes

·         Crawling and exploring

Months 8-10: Finding Their Footing

Some babies are still at the sitting and crawling stage here, while others are learning to pull themselves up on furniture and try out standing. Either way, this is another great time for professional baby portraits! Even if you don’t come into the studio at this point, remember that this is also the time to book your baby’s cake smash for their first birthday celebration. I’m so excited to get that call and start planning!

Baby girl seated on shabby chic furniture with her teddy bear during her milestone photoshoot

In the meantime, fun milestones to capture at home include:

·         Mealtimes

·         Pulling themselves up on furniture

·         Those first wobbly attempts to stand

·         Playtime in the bathtub (most kids are enjoying water toys at this point, making bathtime extra fun!)

Months 10-12: Approaching Toddlerhood and First Birthday!

Maybe baby is taking their first steps by now or maybe not. But it’s a guarantee that they are more active than ever and getting cuter by the day! Not to mention…almost ONE! This is a HUGE milestone that definitely deserves to be captured by a professional. My favorite way to celebrate is with a custom cake smash!

Baby smiling excitedly during their first birthday cake smash photoshoot

If you book a cake smash with me, we’ll get both milestone and cake smash photos before wrapping up with some of the cutest splash pics ever in my miniature tub! Every session is completely customized, so we can party with any theme you choose! Learn more here.

Even with a cake smash photoshoot, there are still plenty of exciting moments to capture at home:

·         First steps

·         All the adventures that come with first steps (once they start walking—watch out!)

·         The birthday party (of course!)

First Year Baby Photographer Serving Little Ones and Families in NJ, NY, and CT

I hope I’ll be seeing you and your little one in the studio very frequently throughout baby’s first year. But no matter how often I get to see you, I hope these milestone photo ideas ensure that you have pictures of all the best moments of your little one’s babyhood, from day one to year one. Enjoy your sweet bundle, soak up every moment, and know that I’m thinking of you and am so honored to be your baby photographer! Can’t wait to start planning your next session!