Adorable New Jersey Newborn Photography Session with Baby Girl and Parents

I was super excited to see this family in my studio! I know them personally through softball and when they asked if I would be able to do newborn photos with their baby daughter I was absolutely honored and thrilled.

This sweet baby girl has two big sisters at home (twins in their teens) but we did this session with just her and her parents. I always ask what parents’ preferences are for the session as far as colors, theme, any personal items they want to incorporate, etc. Some people have a very specific vision for what they want, which is great! But it’s also fun when they don’t have any special requests and just trust me to create a beautiful session for them.

Parents cradle their swaddled newborn daughter in a beautifully lit studio in North Jersey

That’s what happened with this newborn session. Mom was really open to anything and just kind of let me have free range, so I got to use my creativity to design this pretty photoshoot with mostly neutrals and also some soft colors and florals.

While I mostly went with a softer color palette for this baby girl, I also knew that Dad was FDNY, and I definitely wanted to incorporate that! I think it makes it more personal to add elements of mom or dad’s work, especially when they’re first responders. Such a neat legacy to pass on to your kids. Is she not the cutest thing in her little firefighter hat and bow?

I’m so happy I was able to be the New Jersey newborn photographer for this precious baby girl and her parents. I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky that I get to do what I love every day—snuggle babies and create beautiful memories for families! If you’re expecting, I would be honored to capture these same kinds of memories for you. Get in touch and let’s get your session scheduled so we can start planning! I can’t wait!