Soft and Cozy Newborn Session in New Jersey Studio

Can you believe the summer is already over? I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around it! It does get me in the mood for all things soft and cozy though—and there’s nothing cozier than a newborn photoshoot!

This was the absolute sweetest family to work with. They were wonderful and my assistant Gabby and I both fell in love with them. (I generally work with an assistant as it is so helpful to have an extra pair of experienced hands to pose baby, move props around, etc. Makes it go more quickly and smoothly for everyone.)

We got the most adorable parent and baby images during this session. Some parents like to keep the focus completely on baby, which is absolutely fine too! But I do love it when I get the chance to capture all the feels in those moments with mom and dad.

This sweet baby girl stayed asleep the entire session. Total DREAM baby! I always give myself three hours for a newborn session, because I want everyone to feel relaxed rather than rushed. It rarely takes that long, but having the extra time built in means that there’s no stress if baby is fussy or needs a feed or a diaper change.

For this session though, there was really no soothing we needed to do. It was super chill and relaxed. It gave me, my assistant, and the parents a chance to talk a bunch, which was fun! I love getting to know my clients and aim to make the experience feel more like hanging out with friends than anything else.

New York/New Jersey Newborn Photographer

If you are looking for someone patient, experienced, and super fun to capture memories of your newborn, please be in touch! It’s my pleasure and honor to serve families throughout the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. I can’t wait to welcome you and your little one to my New Jersey newborn studio!